Le Dôme Théâtre

French state-funded dance theater

Since 2014

Reporting on a territory


The concept

The Dôme Théâtre is a “scène conventionnée d’intérêt national art et territoire”. The attachment to the notion of territory is reflected by a logo evoking a compass that orients the spectator. The images of the season are composed of slogans extracted from poems, associated with stagings of bodies – dance and movement arts dominate the program – or landscapes – to remind, once again, the importance of the work carried out on the territory. From season 21-22, the landscape is privileged. Motifs (cairns in 21-22, foxes in 22-23) inhabit the image and become mascots. In 23-24 and 24-25, a poetic map of the territory, in the style of the carte de Tendre, was created.


The form

A typography created especially for Le Dôme Théâtre combines the round and the square. Superimposed, these shapes result in an original logo. The bodies and landscapes represented float in the compositions: aerial elements that bring lightness, contrast with the geometric typography and logo and create the final balance of the images.