Stories translated into images, words and sounds by seven citizens of Le Mans, France.
Regarde-moi is an exhibition, installation and performance; for the sake of relational aesthetics, the gesture is on the edge of the visual and performing arts. Seven Cosmoramas, accompanied by original texts and sounds, make up the work on show. They are fictional echoes of an encounter with seven citizens of Le Mans: women and men of all ages who exist, whatever the cost, away from the great platforms of social recognition. Regarde-moi brings to light stories of the invisible and the unseen, stories of refined, mythologized lives.
Creation presented from April 14th to June 17th 2023 and to October 17th 2023 to June 29th 2024 at Les Quinconces-L’Espal, Scène nationale du Mans
Artistic team
Visual artist: Jeanne Roualet
Text: Fabrice Melquiot
Sound designer: Martin Dutasta
Artistic collaboration: Camille Dubois
With the participation of 7 citizens of Le Mans
Production: Les Quinconces – L’espal, Scène nationale du Mans