Teenagers, a territory, mobile phones, five days to make a movie: a challenge that Cosmoplayers love.
The Ways We Are is first and foremost a way of loving. A way of loving to listen to, watch and encourage the group of teenagers who will make up the heart of the documentary, whose outlines are the territory(ies) where they live, have grown up, hope and worry. The creative process culminates in the production of an original documentary in five days, which lasts about forty-five minutes, with voice-overs written and recorded by the teenagers themselves.
From February 27 to March 4, 2023
Conception and writing: Fabrice Melquiot
Direction and editing: Ariane Catton Balabeau
Musical and sound creation: Nicolas Lespagnol-Rizzi
Co-direction: Louise Bec, William Cypre, Adélaïde Darik-Bureau, Hadi Ismail, Swann Jaffre, Raphaële Pacini, Amélie Perea, Marwan Tayar